Pick any object in the sky and then zoom in. Curious onlookers, amateur astronomers, or professonal astronomers can look at different sections of the sky and see a clear and spectacular image of the sky. You will find images that are extremely detailed in their view; up to several hundred million pixels in depth.. SEC CHARGES PURPORTED BIO DIESEL COMPANY WITH FRAUDThe Commission's complaint names Nova Gen Company ("Nova Gen") of San Diego, Calif., its current CEO, Margaret Grey ("Grey"), and a sales agent, Paul Randall Fraley ("Fraley"). The complaint alleges that Grey, of San Diego, Calif. And widow of the company's founder, has continued in Nova Gen's unregistered fraudulent securities offering since she assumed control over the company in June 2009. 2) Sometimes asteroids stray from the main belt On occasion, Jupiter massive gravitational power will disturb an asteroid and knock it out of the belt, sending it on a journey around the sun....